traffic light problem
There is of course one problem that I, as a wearer of glasses with a hefty prescription, has found.
In the UK, with the pole-mounted traffic lights, there is little problem, but US19, just south of Atlanta, for instance, has a bit of a problem when it rains. The greens are very bright (I think Clayton county went for the ultrabrights) and as it's often windy when it rains, the traffic lights on the overhead wires sway back and forth. You can end up being dazzled at night not only by the traffic lights themselves, but by its reflection off the wet road as well. More htan once, I've had to have my wife act as a co-driver, to talk me off the road, having lost a good percentage of my vision do to this.
I'm also trying to think of any road signs around here that are lit up. I don't even think I20 and I75's signs are lit up, unlike the british motorway signs I remember so fondly. Then again, the whole state of Georgia has less electronic traffic signs than the M57.