back to article US smut spam duo jailed for five years apiece

A pair of US men were each jailed for more than five years on Friday for their part in a long-running pornographic spam business that racked up revenues of more than $1m. Jeffrey A Kilbride, 41, of Venice, California, and James R Schaffer, 41, of Paradise Valley, Arizona, were jailed for 72 months and 63 months respectively. …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    About Time


    I hope they spend the next 5 years involuntarily re-enacting scenes from their porn spam with large blokes in orange jump suits.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    One meeeeel-yon dollars! Ahahaha!

    The report doesn't say when they stopped, but one million dollars seems a surprisingly rubbish take; usually when cases like this appear in the news we find out that the malfeasant has made e.g. $800,000 over the course of six months. Crap spammers, or have they hidden a wad of cash under a golf course somewhere?

    I'm going to have a little picture of Paris Hilton crying, because that pleases me.

  3. Matt Bradley

    Excellent News

    We need more of these prosecutions. 1-0 for US Justice. Well done guys.

  4. Ralph B

    List of Crims

    Is there any legitimate reason why a non-resident of the Isle of Man (or any other off-shore banking centre) should have a bank account there? If not, wouldn't it be a good idea for The Relevant Authorities to carefully examine lists of the customers of such banks, with a view to finding out exactly what it is they are trying to hide?

    Why should the money launderers and tax evaders be entitled to more privacy than the kiddie porn viewers?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Only a start

    Its a start, but 5 years still isn't good enough.

    There's only one term thats good enough for spammers, and that's a life sentence with the guaranteed option to renew the sentence when it expires.

    No way should spammers ever be allowed out to spam some more, even in another life.

  6. Dave

    Who signed up?

    I want the morons that signed up from spam mail to be listed. Names and locations.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Oh come on...

    Peddling filth and no Paris?

  8. Phil

    I'm with Dave on this one

    Ultimately the people who actually buy/sign up for this crap are the ones to blame.

    Some dickhead is buying penis pills / cheap watches / penny stock etc etc or they wouldn't bother spamming. Who and where are you!!!!! You are the reason we have to put up with this crap!

  9. Andy Bright


    And yet the real criminals walk free with a 20K slap on the wrist.

    The only enjoyable spam on the market and the Man takes it away from us. Yeah we got to hammer the guy that gives the honest working man his porn-filled emails; which neatly bypass any web filtering software some irrational admin has put in place to ensure tissue-free cubicles.

    A campaign to free these champions of sore wrists and cramped hands is clearly needed.

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