Much as I love Mr Pegg's work
That's bloody awful casting. The Canadian from Stargate Atlantis who played the Scottish bloke (no idea what his name was - Beckett?) would've been a much better choice (and James Doolans son backed that choice too).
Brit thespo Simon Pegg, who's previously entertained the crowds in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, will play a young Scotty in the next celluloid Star Trek outing, Reuters reports. Pegg joins Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Anton Yelchin as Chekov, John Cho as Sulu and Zachary Quinto as Spock in the film which reportedly, and logically …
if you're chronicling the early days of the enterprise crew, you should really start with the FIRST captain of the enterprise from TOS.
With all these continuity flaws popping up all the time, what is an anally retentive geek to do! (WRT: Terminator, the sarah connor chronicles)
Picture says it all.
Coat - Door - Gone
Hooray for casting a Brit though. Despite being from the West Country I still think he'll manage a better accent than the sadly departed James DOOHAN.
I'm not saying that Simon Pegg can't do anything wrong, but he's managed to get three top-notch comedies out to the world in fairly short order, each of which have broken new ground and given us some film moments that are absolutely classic -
Mr Pegg on horseback, armed to the teeth riding into Wells for a Wild West Country High Noon.
Messers Pegg and Frost hurling LPs at a zombie in a suburban garden..
I hope that they keep the phoney ST accents sufficiently phoney. We must have not only "nuclear wessels, keptin?" but also a hearty" och ma poor engines cap'n they cannae take it" and of course a good old "dammit Jim I'm an actor not a doctor.." and I want to see Uhura's legs in very short skirts, Nurse Chappell panting over Spock, and Yeoman Rand looking "available" (quite possibly a suitable part for the delectable Miss Paris Hilton?)
If it's going to be set in the Pike/Kirk transition era then they also need to include "Number 1"
If truth be told, I doubt the producers even know where Scotland is, how about Dylan Moran, least he's Celtic.
And lets have some more creative suggestions.
Perhaps they'll use :
The Scottish Vernacular Dictionary their dialog resource. I know I do, helps me understand my Faither-in-law.
Hear hear,
Spaced was awesome, and yes it seems he was self prophesising his observation about odd numbered Star Trek films. I'm sure his scottish accent will be worse than Doohans'.
Lets hope the movie doesnt go down the cheap path like this did -
Having provided the url, I now urge you NOT to download the episodes! They're shit, and not being able to use the original cast, instead using totally UN-charismatic actors (take a look at the cast/crew pages & cringe) just makes it even more shit. And when they bought in Walter Koenig in a cameo he made an even worse job of the acting he ever did in the 60s!
And how can you rightfuly CG up the ST-TOS enterprise, you can't base a modern multi-million dollar film effects on what was toilet roll / kitchen roll tubes (the engines and the body) and tupperware containers (bridge)!*
Hows it going to work hollywood?
*Probably not accurate! ;-)
Pegg's a comic, no more, no less and a southerner to boot. Can he even do a Scottish accent? And who are these other nonentities `starring` in the pic?
This is one movie that should never be made.
Why not add insult to injury? Just find out where James Doohan's remains are buried and piss on them.
Pegg's scottish accent is just dandy - better than his yank one that he used in that-film-he-did-with-david-schwimmer-before-the-latest-one anyway. Actually it's a Sean Connery accent rather than a proper Scottish one, but he's got it down to a tee over his years at the Edinburgh festival.
Better than casting Mr-my-farts-smell-of perfume-and-I sh*t-gold bars-McAvoy again anyway.
Hollywood has always had a habit of using one nationality to play another. Look at Highlander for example, You have an American born, Swiss educated (Christopher Lambert) playing a Scotsman, and a Scotsman (Sean Connery) playing a Spaniard. Personally, I always found it amusing listening to Connor MacLeod speaking in a Scottish brogue with a French accent.
Can't say as i agree with the choice of Simon Pegg to play Scotty though, Paul McGillion from Stargate Atlantis would have made a much better Scotty, and even somewhat looks the part.
The chap who was in Stargate did audition for the role. The actor (I forget his name too) did a signing at my partners shop in the summer, shortly before his Stargate characer was killed off and he was spilling the beans about the new Trek film. I guess he didn't get the part then!
And... Pegg... no!! I think he's great, but he's totally wrong for the part. I bet we find it's just some Hollywood spin or something by next week. I don't think it's serious.
He, we Germans get a dubbed version where an American born, Swiss educated imitating a Scot and a Scot imitating a Spaniard are imitated by Germans, which will then sound like an American raised and Swiss educated Scot born in Russia and a Scotsman born in Spain but is really from Italy.
According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia timeline, the first captain of the enterprise (NCC-1701) was Captain Robert April who captained the ship on it's first 5 year mission before Christopher Pike, why has there been nothing about him or his crew??
I suspect a cover up by starfleet due to presidential assassination attempts or fake Rigel 7 moon landings!!
@Kevin Eastman
That's a quote from Ramirez (Connery's character in "Highlander"). Although Connor McLeod did call him a Spanish Peacock.
The swords were all Spanish, though. Made by Fabrica Martos in Toledo.
...oh, and of course the Russian Kurgan was played by an American. Not entirely sure where the accent was supposed to be from.
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Did you seriously just say that Dr. Beckett gets killed?
Thanks for the spoiler warning.
As for the topic at hand, i would go and see the new film just for the Pegg (I'm not a fan of TOS, but it would be worth it for him). Not the best casting choice - David Tennant? Alan Cumming? Paul McGillion! Any of them would have been a more apt choice (for either heritage or sci fi reasons).
And the odd numbered Trek thing - am I the only one who thought the 4th one with the whale nonsense was rubbish?
cloak - getting.
This movie may be the one that finally self destructs the StarTrek franchise.
Pegg may be a fine comedian and a decent actor, But I expect he will destroy Scotty. Jimmy Doohan embraced the role like few actors these days do.
Paul McGillion probably would have been a better choice as hes closer to that the role needs.
What can I say this is shaping up to be a failure.