So.. err..
Where's the Paris Hilton angle?
A jack-knifed lorry this morning brought much of central Scotland to a standstill after its cargo of 3,000 chickens broke loose onto the A80 near Haggs, paralysing road traffic and "causing huge tailbacks across the Forth Valley". According to the BBC, the vehicle in question discharged its load at 4.30am on the road's …
"The ruffled poultry were reportedly transported to Noble Foods' processing plant, and the Scottish SPCA not unreasonably expressed concern for their welfare. Spokeswoman Doreen Graham explained that "many of them could be in shock and may die"."
"not unreasonably expressed concern"...They're on their way to a feckin' slaughterhouse...does it really matter?? It just means there's about 10,000 less chicken twizzlers hitting the supermarkets this week!
A : Spokeswoman Doreen Graham explained that "many of them could be in shock and may die".
Erm. weren't they on the way to the slaughter house, so what does it matter.
B: Bloke on phone to Wife "Darling I'm going to be a bit late the traffic is foul today"
Yes, yes ..
Mine is the full length leather coat,
"many of them could be in shock and may die"
Maybe Doreen Graham is confused about the chickens final destination and thought that they were on their way to a poultry themed health farm?
Or is "processing plant" a Scottish term for Amusement Park?
Oh, how appropriate the dead vulture icon is for this story!
Presumably the A80 near Haggs will be closed for the next few days while the authorities clear up the carcasses. As other posts suggests, the chickens are not likely to survive so the area will come to resemble the chicken version of the Somme.
The IT angle is that my colleague who appears to consume a whole supermarket cooked chicken for lunch everyday may have to change his culinary habits if the price of chicken goes up as a result.
"not unreasonably expressed concern"...They're on their way to a feckin' slaughterhouse...does it really matter??
Yes they are going to a slaughterhouse to be humanely despatched. Not die in fear and terror as many would have done in this incident.
Lookup humane in your dictionary.
Honestly, it's dumb talk first - think later comments like this that get Humans a bad name.
"Yes they are going to a slaughterhouse to be humanely despatched. Not die in fear and terror as many would have done in this incident."
Errm. Having heard a few independent first-hand accounts of what goes on in a chicken pie factory, the word 'humane' only seems to apply when the inspectors are expected. Time is money, you know, and the chickens are gonna die somewhere along the line.
IT angle? I worked in an IT dept that was down-wind of an abattoir and a chicken pie factory. The summer was worst. That's when EVERYONE would find excuses to be on-site with the users.
"CHICKENS! Tonight, we('re) dine(ed on) IN HELL!!!
On a side note, perhaps leaving some of the unfortunate early departures lying about would solve this other wee Scottish flap:
On a side side-note, my Google ads for this comments page are "Live Chickens". "Backyard Poultry", and "Internet Security". "Internet Security"? Where's the poultry angle here, I ask.
I eggspect the situation was eggsasperated by birds eggsperiencing shell-shock. Eggsactly. Eggstrordinary. They were probably egged on and were eggshausted by the eggstra and eggstremely hard work and the eggstra-vehicular activity. They were obviously eggstroverts and needed the eggsposure and eggstended themselves too much, justifying their eggsistance. Perhaps they needed the eggsercise and made an eggsihibition of themselves by eggshaling too heavily but that would have been an eggsecutive decision that made them eggsited. An eggsclusive eggscursion followed. but afterwards they were eggscommunicated with no eggscuses and went to Eggseter in eggsile but returned to Eggsmore. The fare was eggxorbitant but the journey was eggspidited with no ineggsplicable eggsertions on an eggsclusive basis.
Time eggseeded. The end.
Living and working next to this made my day.
Hourly updates on local radio describing police chasing chickens inspired thoughts of the Rocky movie only in a non-confined area - still brings a smile to my face when I think of it.
Yes it did grid lock the area but for something out of the norm - a little step out from all the run of the mill bad things.
The IT angle - it made this IT workers day (maybe even week)
Have we just been given some mis-information? According to a crapy Insurance company ad (rhymes with p****d cover) they are probably call centre staff on their way to work but ended up at the slaughter house... just need to get one of the slaughter houses in India... especially for IT (as in "it" support... not IT!!!)