re: Now You Know
See that's the problem isn't it. The dip shits that vote in these arseholes on both sides of the Atlantic refuse to acknowledge both countries as fast becoming everything we scorned the USSR for being.
And instead of voting out every prick that passes these laws, the best we get is an equally complicit set of pricks to replace them.
I personally don't give a toss what party anyone votes for. Just do your best to make sure that the person doing their level best to fuck up either democracy and shit on civil rights that took centuries to gain is voted permanently out of office.
Not only that, but the message must be clear as to why they're being booted. In the US more than 50% of lawmakers were replaced because the US population wanted their troops out of Iraq.
The dumb shits still haven't worked that out and are actually afraid of cutting off the funding that would force such a withdrawal. What they fail to realise is if they don't do it quick, they'll all be replaced again, and this time hopefully with someone that has a bloody backbone.
Congress has an 11% approval rating - and despite the very clear message they were given at the beginning of the year, don't understand why they're so unpopular.
They're unpopular because they're weak, spineless twats that won't do what they were told to by the voting public.