back to article Kim Jong Il: dictator, gnome, and now 'internet expert'

This week's historic reconciliation summit between North and South Korea has delivered an unexpected nugget of pure news gold: as well as being a "mad as cheese" bon viveur and the world's greatest golfer, Kim Jong Il considers himself an expert in packet-switched networking. Kim Jong Il fro team America, World Police That's …


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  1. amanfromMars Silver badge

    AI VXXXXine Injection .... Binary Medicine.

    One Cool Dude, Kim Jong Il. Does he have a Sister or maiden Aunt?

    Which is the sort of personal intrusion of Space that any Open System Provides. Fortunately IT intrigues the Masses and they can spend forever Chasing that Dragon's Tale/Tail.

    Meanwhile, on the other side of town, with Kim and the Gang, Magic was abroad.... :-)

  2. Jamie Kitson
    Thumb Up

    Kim Jong Il's Blog

  3. Salim Fadhley
    Thumb Up

    The expertise of another world-leader

    Pope Pius XII, known to some as 'Hitlers Pope' also seems to have regarded himself as an expert on all manner of subjects. Here is the historian John Cornwell:

    "If he showed signs of grandiosity it was in his tendency to expatiate on an ever expanding range of topics. So numerous and so beyond his competence were these specialised talks, or 'allocutions', that the practice seemed symptomatic of ripening delusions of omniscience. He lectured visiting groups on subjects such as dentistry, gymnastics, gynaecology, aeronautics, cinematography, psychology, psychiatry, agriculture, plastic surgery, and the art of newscasting. A visitor to his study once remarked on the piles of fat manuals around his desk; Pacelli responded that he was preparing a talk on gas central heating. When T S Eliot, arguably the leading English-language poet and literary critic of his day, came to the Vatican for a private audience in 1948, Pacelli delivered him a lecture on literature."

    (the text above was cribbed from

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Do you know how fricken busy I am!

    Do you know how fricken busy I am!

    Keeping in touch with JFK the leader of the corrupt capitalist world. Elvis, John Lennon & Freddie Mercury as to when they will be making an appearance in North Korea. Requesting Aryton Senna's presence to help with the cause of hosting North Korea's first F1 grand prix race ever. Asking Princess Diana would she like to checkout our premium land mines. And Saddam Hussein where's my fricken WMDs???

  5. Del Merritt

    Please introduce him...

    ... to Chuck Norris.

    Wait; maybe he *is* Chuck Norris.

  6. Albert Waltien


    And I thought it was Liberace's piano, complete with candelabrum.

  7. Justin Stone
    Paris Hilton

    Damn you Reg!

    "Presently, there are two Kim Jong Ils listed on Facebook. He's probably trawling for babes as we write - his loneliness was of course well documeted in Team America: World Police. ®"

    You got there first. :<

  8. Austin Modine (Written by Reg staff)
    Dead Vulture

    Not impressed

    Only one?

    Bush doesn't claim to be an expert, but at least he's got an ear on all the internets.

  9. Rick

    we all know who invented

    Come on now where is AL Gore in all this? We all know he invented the US of A version of the internet. Wonder if Kim Jong has sent a friends request to him on facebook?

  10. Nick Ryan

    He might be wonely...

    He might be wonely... and somewhat deluded, but he does seem to have a better grasp of the Internet than our own beloved dicatators.

  11. Kwac

    we all know who invented

    Just knew some 'Faux News' viewer had to mention the 'Al Gore invented the internet' myth.

    No, he never said it.

    (Sorry, I should have said CNN viewer)

  12. Tom

    we all know who invented

    He said

    "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."

    At least he could spell potato(e).

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