This is unacceptable!!
It is unacceptable that we can still find ElReg articles using non-standard units! We all now that use of Dobson units should be discarded!
So, the right sentence would be: "...when the thickness falls below 0.01571 lg".
In 2006, the ozone layer took a real beating, and a hole formed that was of truly epic proportions. It was a record-breaking hole, caused by some 40 million tonnes of the protective layer going AWOL. After that, the hole recorded in 2007 is something of a flop. Weather conditions conspired to keep us and our cancer-prone skin …
It's not entirely clear here as to whether the ozone hole is getting smaller (i.e. it has decreased from the "40 million tonne" hole in 2006, to a "27 million tonne" hole in 2007 - a reduction in size of about 33%), or whether the rate of growth has reduced from 40 million tonnes a year to 27 million tonnes a year (a reduction in growth rate of 33%, but an increase in size of ~68% on last year)?
in order to prevent confusion withall of these different standards may I propose an universal, nay, Ideal Standard unit of measurement:
Note you can use this Ideal Standard as a unit of height (floor to seat) , length (wall to edge of seat), bredth (width of seat) weight (self explanitory I hope), volume (cystern only!), and even time (ie flush cycle)
Note: I only have a twice (sometimes more) daily affiliation with this company.
I think you guys are missing the fundimental issue here ... THERE ARE PEOPLE GETTING PAID TO MEASURE HOLES ?!?
heck, if its such a big problem, why don't we send all the politicians up there and see whether we can clog the hole ? they're full of hot air (well most of them) anyways.
As for an international standard, unfortunately a toilet isn't going to work (because some toilets don't have the top resevoir (my spelling is bad)).
Further more, the empty space in a PS3 fanboi's head is a huge void spanning only inches. if we used that we'd be in the millions of units.