Well he did admit it
"R J Campbell [...] admitted to selling counterfeit software and so-called "parallel importing."
So he admitted it in Court. Why then should there be a disclaimer ?
Right after that, there's a reference to the legal issue. Let me quote it also :
"Under EU law, parallel imports describe branded goods bought in one country and sold elsewhere within Europe at a cheaper price than the trademark holder intends."
May I also bring your attention to this paragraph : "Microsoft seems to think folks going around higher European software prices are destroying the market."
Notice the use of the word "seems", indicating that what Microsoft thinks may not be reality.
Finally, there is the Court decision in its entirety, which clearly declares that Campbell was condemned for trademark and copyright infringement, and passing off.
So what would you want, Mr Anonymous WikiTroll ? Would you prefer that El Reg, respectable news source, publish an article that showed Campbell under the light of innocent victim ? El Reg understands quite well, but the guy admitted and got condemned. Those are the facts.
But don't worry. I don't expect a Wikizealot to worry about piddling things like facts.