Please, let's have some real reporting of real facts.
Was the bloke a pirate dealing in counterfeit software, which most folks would agree is A Bad Thing (as well as criminal in most jurisdictions around the world, perhaps with the exception of America's new favourite business partner and banker, China)?
Or was this chap just an opportunist trader indulging in a bit of "parallel importing" of genuine legitimate software, using the same market forces (country-based differential pricing for identical product) the Big Boys (ab)use, innovatively trying to provide customers with genuine software via unusual (but not necessarily criminal/illegal) routes?
The big boys (not just Microsoft, as Tesco vs Levi will confirm) are quite happy to use country-based differential pricing when it suits their profits but heaven help anyone who visibly tries to rock the boat.
Anyway, there's a world of difference legally and morally between real counterfeiting and a simple case of parallel importing, even if your coverage of Microsoft's press release appears to want people to think they are morally, financially, and legally equivalent.