The rules of Reg Club
1) Thou shalt not impose rules on other members.
2) See above.
The regulars among you will have noticed that our cunning comments on stories plan has proved somewhat popular - at least as an arena for fanboy versus windows apologist slugfests, transcendental musings from amanfromMars and poor-quality quippery inevitably resulting in coat>door>taxi. Well, among the insanity there are from …
If you post a comment asking what the IT angle is, without being literate enough for us to recognise it as being sarcasm, you shall be exiled to Rockall for a month. With only copies of Hello magazine for company. And they all feature Paris Hilton. With her clothes on.
Thou shalt not use those expressions invented by insane PR and Advertising persons to promote their new "trendy" product in any post to El Reg.Examples include Lappy, mobe and many others...
Thou shalt use the correct Reg units in all communications related to El Reg.
Quote: "The Register frequently uses sarcasm in its articles and often provides an iconoclastic stance (e.g. referring to Google as the worlds largest text-ad broker). Much of the reporting is of a style more commonly found in British tabloid newspapers than in more serious news publications. " (from - accessed 28/09/2007 11:30AM) ;-)
iCommandment #1: Thou shalt not defend that which is shiny and overpriced merely because you feel that failure to do so might lead to buyer's remorse and consequent expulsion from the choir of iSeraphim angels which, verily, do praise Steve Jobs.
or, in the interests of fairness:
iCommandment #2: Thou shalt not extract the Michael from Apple fans, if only because skewering the easy target demonstrates low levels of wit and skill.
On the other hand, iCommandment #2 was made to be broken...
Thou shalt head straight to the comments and only return to read the article after thoroughly peeing thineself at the comments first.
Second rule:
Thou shalt spend 25 hours a day at El Reg, except on Fridays when thou shalt lay in the gutter whilst El Reg hacks step over your geeky body on the way to the nearest Inn.
- Thou shalt not moan that the story reads like a blog post, or that it is full of jokes, especially if the story is about Jack Thompson and hardcore gay porn, or if it involves a person who looks as if he has been fisted by a gorilla. The Register has a sense of humour; it is not The Guardian.
- Thou shalt not make a reference to "Fight Club" or "The Untouchables"; that has been done. Instead, make references to "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank" or "The Beast of Yucca Flats".
- Thous shalt not complain about American spelling of words such as "colour" or "Americanised", and do not complain when the article describes Britain as being "abroad". The majority of The Register's readers are American; several of the site's writers are American; American English is the future of formal written English.
(1) You must not talk about Reg Club
(2) You must not talk about Reg Club
(3) You must not, under any circumstances, ask what the IT angle is.
(4) The Reg is mother, The Reg is father, The Reg is your friend. Trust The Reg.
(5) You must point out spelling, grammer, calculator gaffes and other faux pas. Try not be overly smug.
(6) You must refer to anatomical features by anything other than established jargon or slang.
(7) You must not expect sympathy when, as a Windows/Explorer/Word/Excel luser, you get a virus/Trojan/worm/lose all your data/computer explodes.
(8) You are positively encouraged to indulge in bigging up Linux but please keep it brief. You're preaching to the choir.
(9) Sarcasm must not be delimited by <sarcasm> tags lest we be deprived of the frantic replies of the humour challenged among us.
..the story is about Microsoft, thou shalt always mention Apple.
If the story is about Apple, thou shalt alway mention Microsoft.
If the story is about Xbox 360 thou shalt alway mention Playstation 3.
If the story is about Playstation 3 thou shalt always mention Xbox 360.
If there's an obvious comment to make, thou shalt always make it.
If thou maketh a comment, someone else shalt have always maketh it 5 minutes before thou.
ASDA fining people 60 quid for parking in the family parking bays, is fraud. There's no contract formed by the marks on their car park, and so claiming there is for the purpose of obtaining money is fraud.
They have only one sanction shops have against people who park badly, and that's not to serve them till they move their car. Instead they try to make money from it.
Oh, and the first rule of elReg club is you don't set the topics, the PR companies don't set the topics, the elReg readers set the topics.
* Thou shalt use only English variations of words, e.g. 'colour'.
* Thou shalt use skip anything by amANfROMmARs when reading the comments.
* Thou shalt demonstrate thy epeen whenever an article mentions an archaic computing system, and reminisce about how much better the Vax/Spectrum/valve-operated-systems were compared with present day tech.
* Thou shalt use El Reg measurements.
* Thou shalt hate all Apple products.
* Thou shalt love all Apple products.
* Thou shalt feed the trolls.
Just format the link correctly on a line by itself, e.g.
Then anyone can just drag over it, right-click and "open" will appear on the context menu. (Well, it does in Konqueror, anyway. If you're using a less-capable, more-bloated browser, that's your problem innit?)
Thout shalt have the patience of a saint after you get the "Thank you for your Comments, we will moderate them as soon as we can..." page. They'll get there. No, Really!
We all know there are quality moderators paying FU*K very close SH*T attention to BOL***KS the fitness and suitability for publication of your post. Then letting it thru anyway.
And what's wrong with AManFromMars' comments exactly!? I thought they were extremely entertaining, well maybe only those that didn't make the voices come out from the darkest depths of my mind and urge me towards hurting myself. ;-)
Rule 5. Thou shalt mention sheep in a sexual context whenever the words "Wales" or "NZ" appear in the FA.
Rule 6. Thou shalt flame any spendthrift who praises his iMac, iPod, iPhone, iSpend or any other Apple product.
Rule 7; Thou shalt laugh like a drain when reading Verity Stobbs.
Rule 8. Thou shalt not use words such as Breasts or Penis instead thou shalt use Funbags, front bollocks, Double Ds , willy, todger, pork sword etc.
Rule 9. Thou shalt pretend the terms Shirt Lifter, Limp Wrister, Poofter are not homophobic in the context El Reg.
Rule 10. Thou shalt not ever, and I mean NEVER, say anything nice about the USA.
>>"(5) You must point out spelling, grammer, calculator gaffes and other faux pas. Try not be overly smug."
>"...It's "GRAMMAR", you peasant!"
Oh, the irony.
(10) Do not ever forget this: your computer hates you. Features such as, say, the spell checker, will bite you back at a moment precisely calculated to be the most inconvenient and embarrassing.
(11) You must blame the computer for suboptimal processing of data in the vain hope of diverting attention away from one's failings.
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On Fridays the first thing you look for is the BOFH.
You *must* read the article you comment on.
You *should* read the comments too before posting. Unless it's written in the same manner as spam subject lines or stream-of-consciousness translation programs.
The comments form actually has a spell checker built into it, at least with Firefox. There is *never* an excuse for misspellings. Really there's no excuse for I.E. either...
OK, that's my contribution. Cheers All!
Oh, and thanks Lester, I'm sure that AmanFroMmars (or however you capitalize that) has been simply *itching* to be mentioned "officially" somewhere... maybe he's reached his goal and will now begin to write normally...
The first rule: IT isn't like a natural disaster; it isn't a tragedy, so you don't have to pretend to take it seriously when reporting.
The second rule: Don't feed the trolls. The articles are trolls, designed to generate comments. Don't feed the trolls. Frequent trolls include;
cute names (I actually rather like 'em) Lappy, mobe, bulgarian airbags, etc.
articles that are outrageously funny but have no IT angle. Actually, isn't it true that being funny *is* the IT angle? Anyone who works in IT and doesn't laugh easily is headed for a padded cell. Seeing extreme stupidity in the world at large can be rather reassuring at the end of a long day of clueless users, braindead vendors, and stuff that just won't work.
The third rule: Don't feed the trolls. The comments are trolls, designed to generate contrary opinions in the comments. Don't feed the trolls. Frequent trolls include;
anything negative about Americans
anything about Windows vs Mac vs Linux
anything about Microsoft vs EU, Google, US, world, etc.
people who take themselves or their jobs way too seriously
Example: "i dont think that some one should have to text there personal details, in case the company looses them"
If people are posting from abroad; cool. If it's just a hapless UK fool who's wandered onto El Reg and decided to post some malformed English, stuff 'em :)
Even if the comment you are posting is serious don't take it too seriously, it can seriously damage your health (mental) including your teeth/dentistry to take yourself too seriously. If you are seriously serious about the seriousness of your comment, post it on a serious blog not on El Reg which is seriously tongue in cheek most of the time and should be, seriously!
...surely that whatever is written in the article or posted in the comments, that YOU are always right and that everyone else is talking out of their arses (note proper spelling) otherwise why are you posting.
Sean - You're right, there is no excuse for i.e. There are other browsers out there people - use them. (damn, the second rule is that rules are made to be broken)
James - Apart from the fact it is a long way away, there is nothing nice to say about the USA
... coat rack? Someone swiped it as soon as they saw me.
Oh well.
Thou shalt remember any Ass mentioned in TheReg is Ass with a period.
Thou shalt remember the immortal phrase "Pay no attention to that rootkit on your CD's".
Thou shalt also remember to click your heel three times, reciting "There's no OS but *IX, there's no OS but *IX".
Thou shalt always remember that the IT angle is you're using a computer to read it (pat pending).
Thous shalt always take every opportunity to remind people that "fanboys" is inaccurate, and even us girls agree Micro$queak sucks.
Addendum to previous rule: No, thou can't demand pictoral proof of the claimed female status of a poster pointing out that "fanboys" is inaccurate because girls too agree Micro$queak sucks just because you've never seen a female.
Thou shalt remember that the truth is always less interesting than the facts.
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All humorous comments are to be clearly labeled and colour-coded in accordance with the proclamations of the Vulture Central Humour Comprehensibility Committee. Of course the comments form will need some of those nice buttons for making the words look different.
What Would Tyler Durdan Do?
Probably Paris Hilton......
Another Rule of RegClub - Anytime the word "boffin" is used in an article alluding to invention, the word "boffinry" must be used to describe the activity that leads to the said invention.
And posts should not be submitted twice because you are impatient with the page refresh!
What Would Tyler Durdan Do?
Probably Paris Hilton......
Another Rule of RegClub - Anytime the word "boffin" is used in an article alluding to invention, the word "boffinry" must be used to describe the activity that leads to the said invention.
And posts should not be submitted twice because you are impatient with the page refresh!