Nice book reference...
"The Door Into Summer" is one of Heinlein's best. Having a cat named Pete as a leading character is a nice part of it.
As for the robot stuff, no, we do not have anything remotely resembling Hired Girl, but Heinlein was a visionary and had it right with Drafting Dan from the same story; the precursor of today's CAD/CAM software. Not bad for 1956.
Not the only tech prediction he made that came to fruition: in "The Man Who Sold the Moon" he suggested PIR-controlled lighting, as a sideline, not part of the main story. Now it's everywhere. In "Waldo" he proposed a remote manipulator, called the Synchronous Replicating Pantograph, although it's possible they already existed. Also, in "Waldo", or possibly in "Magic, Incorporated" he refers to routing problems with a mobile phone, not far from today's issues with roaming charges.