back to article Magazines go online in iTunes-esque move

A new online newsagent is hoping to galvanise the Irish publishing market by selling magazines online., which is based in Dublin, is hoping to become the iTunes of the publishing world by offering readers PDF versions of Irish publications. These can be downloaded directly to a PC. The magazine appears on screen …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good idea...

    ... but a bit difficult to read in the bath. Or whilst I'm eating my tea...

  2. Edward Rose

    Range of products

    I wonder if they'll sell Linux Magazine......


  3. Rob

    And so it begins...

    ... print on demand publishing is growing, this will snowball, although migration to this sort of distribution would kill the porn mag industry, surely (hence probably why they haven't pioneered this in the first place).

  4. Garry Mills

    Regional press

    Our local; newspaper is next to useless, and I've oft pondered the logistics of setting up a PDF only version of a local rag, similar to a new F! magazine that is electronic format only.

  5. Bad Beaver


    An interesting development. One would hope papers could come up with some incentive ideas too, as for example sell a 2-year subscription along with a well subsidized iRex iLiad.

  6. Asa Weinstein

    Anyone heard of Zinio?

    There already is a delivery system for this type of content and it's pretty good!


  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    File Sharing Part 2

    Copy, anyone?

  8. Mark SPLINTER

    pdf lol wtf

    Yes, that's right, the problem with magazines is you can't get them in pdf!!!!! LOL!!! Good luck with this business plan.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    shocking statistics

    "83 per cent of readers reading downloaded magazines online have never purchased a printed copy."

    Who are these customers that have never purchased a magazine in print? Aliens from the planet Xenon?

    Or is that people tend not to buy electronic copies of magazines they already have on paper, a startling revelation?

    (Yes, I know that they mean that 83 per cent of readers download issues of magazines they've never bought in print, but the original's still a very strange way of saying it.)

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