Surprise, Surprise!
Anyone remember that terrible show with Cilla Black where she sung that stupid song at the end? I can't remember what the theme was about, all I remember was that it made me feel very sick watching it. But then the question is, why did I watch it? I can't be expected to answer such questions!!! I was only about 10 at the time!!!!....... I think.....
Anyway, what does this have to do with the Anitgua Vs. US? Nothing!! I was just writing the header for my comment when the image of Cilla in a black sparkly cocktail dress popped into my head and made me gag a little.
As for my comment, I'm actually surprised and the level of surprise at the US's reaction. This was an obvious path the US was going to take with this issue. If I thought about it ahead, I would have set up a gambling company in Antigua to take bets on it. Judging by the surprise here, I would have made a fortune!!!
While the WTO is supposed to deal with the rules for trade on an international level, as with most things to the US, this translates to "rules of trade beneficial to the US". We must look to our own leaders to ensure the US government realises that this is not the case. While the EU is putting pressure on them, I must wonder exactly how much follow through they'll actually have on the matter.
There's no point in blaming Bush. He's everyones scape goat these days. I'm sure he's only vaguely aware of the situation, if at all. If the US prevail in the case, questions must be asked by our leaders. If/when the lose, and if they chose to ignore the ruling and get away with it, we cannot 100% blame America. After all, it's not exactly the safe haven for the morally superior human. We must also blame the other signatories to the WTO. It is up to us to ask our leaders why they failed to enforce the rules on the US, not just for us ask the US why they didn't follow them.