I'm in love! I mean it this time!
Pennsylvania's Richmond Township is indubitably bemoaning its lack of a mobile SWAT team of crimebusting vigilante Shaolin Temple kung fu monks after two women dressed as ninjas robbed a local gas station at swordpoint. According to thepittsburghchannel.com, the pair crouching tigered their way into the Sunoco station at 3am on …
Chances are they were 2 juggernaut sized women, looking like the back end of a bus, wearing size 30 black curtains. I know they say the bigger they are the harder they fall but really Bruce, Pirates, Chuck et al would probably just sink in to the rolls of fat.... may the lord have mercy on their souls, they have met their match.
I regret the omission of a certain M. Thatcher from the recent poll on Shaolin Kung-Fu Monks v. Ninjas v. Charles Norris. She'd have given them all a damn good handbagging, after all she crushed the mining industry, Ronnie Reagan and the unions under her dainty size 6 court shoes.
The US were afraid of the UK when Maggie was in charge!
Sadly true but nothing we should be proud about or admitting in public. And Morely is right that our lardassess don't get to anything like city-shaking size that the US grows 'em to.
I still believe that the original Gojira movies were created after an average Nipponese director had to run in terror from a rampaging Indianapolis roleplayer consuming everything in its path.
Shurely that's one of the most stupid things to steal... I'm assuming they stole instant-win scratch cards or the like, in which case all the police need to do is take a note of the serial numbers allocated to the shop, and wait for somebody to try to cash in a winner.
Ninjas they may be, brainiacs certainly not.
Well, she said she was studying ninjitsu, and she seemed able to do martial arts stuff, so I wasn't going to argue. And not slender--muscle rather than fat.
The last I heard, she'd married a vicar. There's some church somewhere in England where it would be a seriously bad idea to try to break open the poor-box.
Seems rather practical. People will be so busy boggling at the strange attire and weapons that they're unlikely to get a decent look at the *real* people inside the hollywood suits.
And nunchuku, or flails, should be pretty effective in NYC, a city wherein the law-abiding citizens have been largely disarmed by a lengthy series of cowardly politicians.
" Chief Robert Amman of the Northern Regional Police Department said: "They were all covered in black and carrying swords, so it did appear that they were dressed like ninjas. Swords, daggers could be used to seriously harm victims, so this is a very serious crime." "
Chief Robert Amman is being very perceptive here. Me thought that swords and daggers are for tickling the toes of the victims.
one wonder if the ninjas be "tasered" or shot "without prejudice"..