Fiber Dream...still slow
Great...BT finally get arond to giving us Fiber but does it matter when ur given like a 100Mb connection at an extortionateprice and to top it off the FUP will make the actual connection point less...they are probably gonna give u a 100Mb and give u limit of a is so funny.
I have been to South Korea and Japan and lived there for several months (in each country). 1st @ Osaka, the connection speed was less of an issue for people here or the FUP (company limits were so much competition there its not even funny) as they were more interested in content available or what they could do with it. Alot of companies offer there closed forum service, which is very big with people here. Sitting infront of a 100/1Gb was common for techies.
2nd @ Soul...for net access these people just plain rule. While talking to SBS (Korean TV broadcasters) techie he mentioned that getting a decent connection here was expected. For example, a techie will expect to see a minimum 100Mb connection and really do not care how it is presented into his house (usually RJ45 though) and 1Gb was true techie connection...later on sitting in his house I confirmed that he did indeed have a 10Gb net connection (did not believe him at first). Also, while most people dl using torrents, in Korea they use ClubBox which is insanely fast for Koreans but very slow for people outside the country. He mentioned that while the EU is busy with standard def tv on the move, tv streaming, etc...over here its all about watching HD content everywhere @ 1080p30fps and more and more being shown at 60fps.
It is strange though as they have all there major channels in HD and u really notice the non-HD channels as they are very few of them!
I personally think that while its great BT will be looking to glance at Sweden puts all the UK ISPs to while the EU gets Fiber...oriental Asia will continue to put everyone in the shade (FRIDs is the big craze there at the moment) and wait until it gets to WiMax...its gonna be insane for probably everyone bar the EU.
Note...I was talking about residential connections and not business!