The Precautionary Principle
I don't know who this Marchant is, but I must say that I agree with him on that point. If we were doing biological weapons research like we do GM crop "research", then we'd all be dead.
I fail to understand how, in the name of Heaven, anyone was able to get a license to do open-field GM crops before all lab-environment tests were concluded. Well, actually I understand very well how this happened : Monsanto poured a few billion dollars into the right ears and all went the way they wanted.
Thanks to that disastrous decision, we now have GM crops cross-pollinated with non-GM crops, and God only knows what is going to happen tomorrow.
This GM stuff should have been grown under vast, environmentally-sealed white domes, just like in the X-Files film. Any precaution-taking at this point is closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.