So use the open source alternative - Pidgin (formerly Gaim) - which runs most IM systems including AOL, MSN and Yahoo (but not Skype yet).
Trouble came in pairs for instant messenger users this week with the disclosure of unpatched flaws in chat software from both AOL and Yahoo! The Yahoo! vulnerability is by far the worst of the two, not least because exploit code was posted on the milw0rm full disclosure mailing list on Wednesday. A security bug in Yahoo!'s …
You forgot the exclamation marks! So I added some! The fact that this convention annoys the crap out of me and many other people as it makes it really hard to read the title, is reason enough to continue it. As to the messenger problems. Security, in an instant messaging client are you drunk.
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Aside from the seriousness of the article letting all those uneducated users of pc's, panic, could we (read you) stop with the exclamations after every word when it comes to something to do with Yahboo, please?
It's extraordinarily annoying to have William Shatner as Capt. Kirk style voice in your head whilst reading the headline.
I'm worried it will become such the norm that I'll be asking the fella 'do! you! want! a! drink! ?! or even worse, you'll infect PCW and new punters will hear things like 'The! Motherboard! needs! replacing! It! will! take! 6 weeks!, bad enough when said normally.