"Q: "Where in the world" do PC-World get their staff from?"
Sorry to those who've read this from me before but hopefully it will go some way to explaining why some (not all) PCW staff are the way they are.
Obviously I can't say with hand on heart that this is the same for every store, but when PCWorld in Lancaster was built, the local jobcentre was approached and asked to send forth their jobless. *point of note..jobs are not always easy to come by in Lancaster* make of that what you will.
Sadly not as commendable as a few of you may think: the motive behind this move was more likely to be "these idiots are desperate; we can treat them like dirt and expect them do take anything we throw at them...they will no longer have a life outside this store once they sign that contract." Sometimes I am convinced that DSG - Dixons Store Group management have "divorce targets" - bonuses for every divorce/split up caused by the excessivley high expectations on staff and utter lack of respect they are shown. Such as, but not limited to:
*1 day's notice of the following week's rota
*change of shift hours at 5 mins notice
*constant calls and requests to come in on days off
*never being allowed to undertake the training courses promised
*"forgetting" to pay staff or even informing them of payrises due.
*management instructed to "cover up" the above and hide it from staff.
Although I have only seen this behaviour in 2 of the stores, I have read many similar tales from staff/ex-staff of other PCW stores.
Let's face it - if staff members no longer had partners and/or children to worry about, they would be able to work any hours requested with no notice and without nuisances like family getting in the way.
Anyway I digress as usual.
When Lancaster PCW hired for the then-called "pc Clinic" NKA "tech guys" - one of the successful candidates' pc qualification was a 2-week computer course that the job centre had put him on.
And why not? It's not like an I.T professional could work there.
This post is not meant to defend PCW in any way, just to hopefully explain the actions of staff who are possibly some of the most demotivated and demoralised people in this country.
***disclaimer*** all of the above I have witnessed with my own eyes but not first hand - I am not and never will be PCW staff - If I had to whore myself, I'd rather it were at Portsmouth Docks than at any DSG store.