Re:Phenomenally bad idea
I'm amused that you think mobile service in the US is a complete disaster.
It was the non-GSM camp that pushed GSM to use essentially the same
technology - cdma based. cdma subscribers have had faster data rates
sooner than Europe, and in 1/4 the spectrum. Due to our country's huge size
it takes all carriers, GSM and non, time to get coverage to the point it should be.
Now it's the US GSM carriers who are lagging behind.
Our voice and data rates are much cheaper than you lot are charged.
Since our regulators did not mandate that spectrum be dedicated to a
single technology, we already have high speed data using the same
spectrum that our 2G voice used, co-existing peacefully. Now the EU and Ofcom
have seen the wisdom of this.
So, contrary to being a disaster, I think we've gained the advantage and
boosted you lot to have higher speed data faster than your complacent
carriers would otherwise have provided had there been no competition!