PR opportunity lost
What no aerial photo of the actual launch? Boo-hiss
Satellite imagery provider Digital Globe is launching its second imaging bird this evening. World View-1 will provide greater resolution, and more frequent updates, to customers including Google Earth. Digital Globe currently has one satellite, QuickBird, which photographs great swathes of the planet as it circles, but is …
So what's to stop them opening a subsidary company in Mexico, buliding/launching a more powerful satalite from there, and taking pictures of people's papers using that instead?
Surely the US Military has no powers to stop people taking photographs from space, at any resolution. The only way they could assert an influence is if there is a US law which has effect for companies who own such equipment, which would be avoided by doing it elsewhere.
"Surely the US Military has no powers to stop people taking photographs from space"
Actually, you should google 'space denial' and then head over to http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Front_Page/HJ20Aa02.html:
"George W Bush signed an executive order creating a new National Space Policy on Wednesday. The most crucial feature of this policy is that it "rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit US flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone 'hostile to US interests'." "