And how long will it work for...?
The $399 question: how long will this work for before Apple/whoever updates the phone so these unlocks stop working?
Will it be the next software update?
Still, it's worth it just to upset the phone companies:-)
Today, I successfully unlocked two iPhones, and they weren't even mine... head, card carrying gadget freak David Ross, nipped out during a pre-Intel Developer Forum presentation here in San Francisco, and came back with a pair of iPhones. Yes, the European version's going to be announced in London tomorrow, but it's …
So, you can hack the iPhone. How careless of Apple.
Will this increase or decrease the iPhone sales?
Will anyone NOT buy it because it can be unlocked.. no. So those sales will not be affected.
Will more geeks buy it because it can be unlocked... yes.
Most folk won't be arsed to unlock it but some geeks will. They probably wouldn't have bought it if it was totally locked. More sales.
Will O2 or whoever be litigious about the unlock capability. Seems like the unlock is a complicated process so I guess Apple will have that as a defence.
What percentage of iPhones will be unlocked? Damn all, why separate it from a contract that gives you free minutes & texts.
So this unlock will increase sales, generate tons more free publicity & not reduce call revenue stream by that much.
How careless of Apple??????
Who cares. I mean who really cares. The iPhone is over hyped rubbish anyway. And I don't see any articles about how people have cracked and unlocked other devices, but they do it every day.
In the UK the business model will be different anyway, you will have to take a contract with O2 that you will have to pay for even if you don't use their network. Most O2 supplied handsets are not even network locked.
Sure the non-Apple utilities will be fun for you I am sure, but there is already thousands of apps for Symbian and WM devices out there anyway and something like the HTC Touch is far superior to the iPhone anyway.
Are phone companies tie-ins to enable them first dabs on mined information, parsed from the passing of info/Intel over their carrier/snoop networks? IT is what any Network carrier worth a jot would do although to expect the value not to be shared with mined Sources is a big mistake which will cost them dear. It could even cost them everything that they have worked for...... but at least they will be secure in the knowledge that it was all of their own doing.
And is only very mildy related to the article.. you look up.. and yep, it's amanfromMars!!! I wish again that we got email notification whenever someone else posts a comment in these articles because I don't go back through them all to see any replies. At least I haven't seen any Kevin Hall flamefests recently..
I'm a recent Apple convert, and I love my MacBook Pro. But I'm getting sick of the constant patches to make my iPhone less usable and less accessible. Now its a war to lock out custom ring tones. I won't buy ringtones if they can't be bothered to sell any I would actually want to hear.
Much as I hate saying it, calling it the Apple Zune Isn't that far off, If I wanted draconian DRM and all this lockout and dysfunction I'd have stayed with Microsoft.
"And the gen 6 pods won't run with Linux??" One less pod sale here Stevo. My Apple love seems to be reminding me more of a dysfunctional marriage every day.