This is Being Smoothed Over Quckly
The government has released an "incident report" that contradicts Iraqi eyewitness accounts and even Blackwater's previous testimony.
The story now is that Iraqis started shooting at them and the Blackwater boys just shot back at those who shot at them. (Iraqis say that a car bomb someways off triggered the attack on Iraqi civilians. Blackwater previously said a nearby carbomb started it.)
But rest assured the poor Bw kids were under such heavy fire that they waited for a tow truck to haul their damaged vehicle out of there. Instead of , you know, piling everyone in the vehicle that still worked and getting the Hell outta Dodge.
So I guess the price of one Blackwater wagon is 8 human lives. It sure tells us a lot about what is happening there.
But Condi's schmoozing things over with Maliki.
And I'm guessing little will actually happen to the mercenaries.
BTW, it wasn't so long ago that, even to the US armed forces, any dead Sunni was automatically upgraded to "insurgent" so maybe Blackwater hadn't read the new rules, or maybe there were no new rules and this still happens all the time.