Noisy Zombie Adverts
Noisy ads = Firefox + Adblock but don't tell that freaky web designer (wankor) cos he might try and have me assasinated
Its funny how the people who could do something about botnets on a mass scale don't appear to be that interested in doing anything, seems they just want to sign more and more customers up...
bah so what if our infrastrucutre is being used for devious tasks, as long as the unaware lusers are paying the monthly subs...
but then the argument arises who is responsible right the ISPs can't keep users PC's patched up to date... so why does'nt someone develop a stripepd down water tight can't spam / DoS / retardo version of an OS and make billions selling it to the masses of fearful internet / computer users who live in fear of a Nigerian knocking on the door and asking for they're internet banking details, yet have little or no knowledge of how to guard themselves against it... and don't realise that they have just infact blurted out they're details....