BBC Trust should step in, or UK Gov should
All these hires are from a single vendor, the skills they bring are of a single vendors products, hence the team is being stacked to favour that vendor.
It can't be in the BBCs interests to make its viewers require a particular vendors product, since that puts the BBC's access to it's customers dependent on that companies terms.
Currently the BBCs media fails to delivery, it works on a tiny fraction of the devices that YouTube works on, and none of the things plugged into a TV, none of those hard disk media centres, no hard disk recorders, it can't be played even on crappy old DVD RW players which practically every UK household has!
All it will play on is some PCs, only Windows, only Microsoft and even then works badly.
If YouTube can deliver a workable product and Comedy Central can and others can, then how come the BBC can't deliver except on Microsoft platforms?