Ooooh, T-Mobile is smarter than Einstein!
"T-Mobile argued that radio waves have no mass and therefore aren't emissions."
Einstein argued that mass and energy are equivalent - E == mc^2 ("Energy is equal to mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light").
Of course, if T-Mobile's masts emit (there's that word again) no radio waves, then there is no mass to consider.
So the solution is to order T-Mobile to immediately switch off every mast which has not been been mapped to the satisfaction of the Information Commissioner, effective on, say, 15th October of this year. *Then* they will not be emitting anything. Masts may be switched back on when the IC is satisfied with their mappings. This order to be in force immediately, and to be rescinded only *after* the review of the appeal.
Problem solved, one way or another.
Then the lying bastards at T-Mobile can start on the 1029 hours of work they were supposed to have already finished.