Looks decent
The 160GB model looks like the first one I'd upgrade from my 40GB 4G model. What's come before have always felt like fairly minor improvements, some extra disk space but nothing amazing. Again this is still a small improvement but the jump to a 160GB hard drive is much more like it. The other features like showing the album art (pretty much useless when all my MP3s are ripped from CD) and video playing (sounds like a recipe for motion sickness) are completely irrelevant to me but this looks like a good machine. The build quality as always is Apple's weakness and depends on you taking care of the device and the lack of a user replaceable battery is always a niggle but there can't be any doubt Apple still lead the way with the iPod. I know it's become a consumer cliché as a device and you can often look at other devices simply because they aren't Apple but the thing is, no one else designs them as well.