Overstated of course
I know in an attempt to be dramatic, that they use phrases like 'show 1 in 4 the door', but the reality of this will be far different (and the title makes people think it's a layoff which it's not). In past times, when they've offered people early retirement, only a relatively small percentage have taken them up on it. I would be surprised if more than 1/3 of the people accepted it. The last one, I believe was accepted by something like 1 in 10, although that was the result of a less well-funded retirement offer. They have a real target number that they're looking for, and from historical data they know roughly how well they have to fund it and how many people they have to offer it to, so they can hit that target.
The person trying to determine salaries from the revenue loss is way off. They have some model which they use to create that number. Some positions will be replaced by other (less expensive) people in the US, some off-shored, some 'sucked up' by the existing team if their manager can't justify the backfill. Also, while some percentage of the positions receive revenue directly through headcount, many receive revenue by service, and some are through various other calculations. So, trying to derive peoples' salaries through this number gives you a meaningless figure.
To answer Jan's post, they will know ahead of time how many positions they're losing in each area, and will take steps if necessary to bring people on to backfill just ahead of the early-retirement folks. It's up to the local manager to determine if it's necessary and push to make it happen.
To answer the first post, EDS China is exceedingly small at this time, and they are more focused on other countries.
Sorry for deflating the 'drama bubble' here :)