Virgin Media, Price Rises...
... More Offshore Centres, More Redundancies, More Faults, Poor Customer Service, No CEO, & Inhouse Mayhem!!
Looks like this company needs to sort out its problems before trying to rip off customers or they will well and truely go down the shitter.
Neither wonder half their staff force are on the sick, more pressure, less wages, more shit to contend with. Its got NTL written all over it.
Before they start increasing prices they want to sort out the issues:
* Do away with outsourcing, especially to india
* Bring back inhoused service & install technicians
* Get a CEO that knows their stuff, and let them run the place (not have 2 members of the board influence and dictate the direction of the company) - see news articles on this
* Make broadband & telephone prices more competitive
* Reduce faults, invest in the network infrastructure
Then maybe they will sort themselves out before they have no customers!!!