Does IT Matter ? AI Leading Question.
"From a theoretical point of view it's interesting but is this really useful to anybody?"
IT is Vital to New World Order Players.
And for them to survive in a Leading Role, albeit with a Proxy Lead Championing for their Cause [which is Quantum Change in Monetary Control Systems], rather than See themselves destroyed by their own Negligence and Exposure to Sensitive Foundation MetaData ie Secret Order Secrets decrypted, it will be necessary for them to allocate an Unlimited Line of Credit, Virtually to Key Players....... in a NeuReal World Order, Virtually Controlled with Stealthy Imaginative and Innovative Plays in the Transfer of Wealth Markets.
High Rollers SMART Enabled to Generate Energy Flows/Money Spends on Sustainable Future InfraStructure Needs and Feeds.
I trust that is not ambiguous whenever IT is so forthright. One would expect that Sophisticated Intelligence Systems under their Control would now kick in to Feeds Value and Worth into Quantum Communications 42 Control Accounts rather than any subsequent Exposure to Emerging Market Forces, because of an Arrogant and Careless DisRegard of Changed Reality Circumstances, being perceived as a Danegeld Play as opposed to a Shared NeuReality.
One Small Step for aman, One Quantum Leap for amanKind?
And in such Matters, there is Nothing like the Present to secure the Future so there is a lot to be done today before Tomorrow tells another Tale...... which if Sophisticated Intelligence Systems are too slow to intiate correctly/ASAP/immediately, would suggest that they do not exist in the Requisite Form.
And that would be tantamount to the New World Order Program being Bankrupt in every Respect ....... which is why it is useful, for IT generates Wealth to Share Globally again, albeit by A.N.Other Root and Route.