well more likely to work at fixing planes then London underground "workers" running the tube.
Pehaps if we sacrificed a few animals to the god of signalling all would be fine?
Nepal Airlines has apparently fixed an electrical fault on one of its Boeing 757s by sacrificing two goats in appeasement of Hindu sky god Akash Bhairab, Reuters reports. The airline boasts two Boeings, and one was reportedly giving it a certain amount of grief leading to suspension of services over the past few weeks. However …
I would certainly find it reassuring to have fly with an airline that has a belief in essential things to flight, like pretend friends (Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, god etc...) rather than non-essentials like regular maintainence, experienced pilots, Radar. There can be no doubt that the goat slaying would have been critical to the success of this flight, and all airlines should sack their maintainence staff and replace them with quadraped-loathing axmen instead.
Can you imagine the conversation beforehand,
Pilot 'The plane is due to fly in 10 minutes and the engines aren't working'
Engineer: 'Well mate, your out of luck. Left the tools at home today.'
Pilot ' What! Why?'
Engineer 'Well it's bring your pets to work day innit. Have you tried carrying a tool box and dragging two angry goats?'
Pilot 'Isn't there anything you can do?'
Engineer 'Weeeeellll. We could sacrifice the goats to the god of air. Only got em cos the wife likes the mangy things. Make a right mess of the house'
Pilot 'Will it work?'
Engineer 'Dunno. Lets give it a try. No harm in it'
Pilot (eyeing the queques of angry tourists) 'Ok, ok. Just be quick'
Cue two dead goats.
I'll bet the grossly overpaid engineers at Boeing are scrambling to find a local supplier of properly vetted sacrificial goats.
Maybe the gullible corporate owners will now see through the folly of hiring slugs who drank their way through 4, 6, 8 years or more of higher studies.
Once again, the value of out-sourcing is revealed for all to see.
my previous heretical statements and/or claims.
I have never paid any amount of compensation to any person affiliated with theregister.co.uk. I do realize I may have transgressed the boundaries of legality in an attempt at humor. My sincere apologies to any who were offended.
I and my family thank you for your assurance that no retribution will be carried out against us. You are too kind.
Faithfully, Tony
and a new technology services career is born.
this one really will require high priests - i always wanted to see that on a business card.
and if the sacrifice doesn't work, the priest can always intone, "THE GODS ARE ANGRY, we must now sacrifice all who complain." that'll shut them up.
depends entirely on what goat you eat.
Shoot an old mangy feral billygoat in mid rut and it'll taste and feel like boot leather marinated in piss. so the dog gets that stuff. A young yearling doe tastes like a cross between venison and prime lamb, Slightly mild gameiness with good texture and flavour. A young kid 3 months or under tastes like gamey chicken.
They make good roasts :D and are a very lean healthy red meat :D
So the Nepalese repair the plane and sacrifice a couple of goats. How is that different from building a boat and calling a priest to say incantations and then breaking a bottle? Not to mention the numerous superstitions around boats, or the fallacious cell phone use ban in planes, until airlines can charge for it. You guys need to get out more I reckon.