So Many Red Herrings
We have been fed so many red herrings , too many furphies , diverting our attention from what is really happening to create an illusion of safety. We have seen authorities continue to employ corrupt officials , allow their policemen to gun down and literally murder innocent bystanders with absolute impunity , torture prisoners prior to being charged and yet convict and jail fellow citizens not wearing uniforms of the same identical crime, and then allow drunken motorist off , for doing the same thing , so go figure that one out !
Interestingly legal gambling is now being fed by increasing levels of white collar crime , that in cost to the community , far surpasses that of blue collar crime by several orders of magnitude , and yet the police and the government prosecuters continue to turn a blind eye , as it is beyond their ability to think outsiide the square !
However , they now say , to protect all of us including your children from this evil called porn , which has been with mankind since the dawn of civilization , we need all your democratic rights and freedoms , and in exchange we will create the illusion of safety , and we will only prosecute those that receive this demented material , as the suppliers reside in foreign countries are beyond reach of our justice system , we will ignore those wankers(strangely call them a terrorist , and they will be rendered faster then you can say boo , to be tortured and illtreated at the countries pleasure).
Truly those two magic words combined evokes such an unreasoning heightened illogical fear in all parents of children it is beyond comprehension!
If education gives the basic tools , and the balance comes from it's life experiences , and yet many of todays parents wrap their children in so much cotton wool whilst force feeding only corrupt and incomplete ideals and theories , and making unreasonable demands and unreasonable expectations , little wonder they turn in insecure depressed repressed spoilt fat brats , because they have one key ingredient missing , in that we the parents refused to let the children learn from their own life experiences.
Yes to many red herrings , so few facts and the authorities with hidden agendas taking the easy way of tackling real crimes , pretending to offer false safety nets , and extremely dumb parents refusing to let their children grow up in the real world outside the home/rigid school environment.
PS , by todays loose definition of child porn , interestingly the old style photographs of bare assed naked babies on bear rugs , falls within that category as well!