Fitting monument
we already have a monument to Gonzo: Gitmo.
if the US ever vacates Guantanamo Bay, i hope Cuba turns it into a historic site, like how Europe did with Auschwitz, Treblinka and Buchenwald. over the gate, instead of "Arbeit macht frei", they can put "the Bill of Rights came here to die". the guest barracks can have a plaque that says "Alberto Gonzalez may or may not have slept here (it's classified)."
as for the Dubya Bush Presidential Library, you can already find one nearby, anywhere you are in "the greatest nation in the world".
it looks very much like a liquor store, but don't be confused, it is what you seek.
inside, you will find highly portable literature about alcoholic beverages, and one or two hundred samples of the more potent libations. have a bottle or three right away, and you can experience what it's like to be Dubya. as a bonus, you can dress in a surplus Air National Guard uniform, and pass out hugging the toilet, for extra authenticity. while you're unconscious, have your picture taken, so you can show your kids what it's like to be President of the US.
wow, that was way too easy.