Oh great....
Having been an iPod user since the very first, I bought a 5th gen a few months ago because I had a feeling apple might go and ruin things with a touch screen, no wheel and plenty of gimmicks.
Bring back the "real" scroll wheel it was so much more responsive!
As for adding OSX to the iPod... this must mean something like WiFi or a web browser will be included, so users can add widgets. I can't see why else. My 5.5g iPod does struggle to scroll down my list of about 3000 songs at speed, so maybe its for performance reasons - but it must be at the expense of battery life?
At the end of the day, people want an iPod to play music. Cover flow, touch screens and videos are just gimmicks that drain battery power. WiFi and the ability to sync iTunes is all I can think to add.