what do you call that then?
only waited 20 seconds...
hmm sounds like a case of premature attachulation.
(I wish that was a real word)
Staff at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh battled for an hour to disconnect the penis of Captain Dan The Demon Dwarf from a hoover after the diminutive Fringe performer inadvertantly superglued it to the vacuum cleaner's "attachment". According to the Evening Standard, the hoover forms part of Captain Dan's Circus Of Horrors …
the lengths (or lack of them) that fringe performers will go to to get some free publicity. Given the reviews the publicity is badly needed...
I found the Circus of Horrors was trivial. Apart from the nudity and late hour it should have been a children's show. I walked out at the interval.
Over-hyped and marketed. Crass, poorly executed and I felt just plain embarrassed for some of the performers. Walked out just over halfway through. Total waste of money.
The girl smoking in the front row seems to be a built in gag. When a show entitled "Circus of Horros" has to resort to getting a laugh out of the smoking ban, you know its not up to much.
This is a Circus of Horrors only if your idea of freaks is people in skeleton costumes doing a dance to music that wouldn't have looked out of place on the Tweenies. There was a problem with the sound too, no idea what the ringleader was saying. Further freaks included someone getting a nail hammered through what was obviously a tongue piercing, and someone walking on knives that were sharp enough to cut a cucumber, which isn't very sharp. The fact they closed the entrance gates at half time so we and the other people had to sneak out through the thai resturant kind of says it all. We've been looking forward to this for ages and were really disappointed.
..and put your manhood back!
No wonder the Shake-n-Vac woman always looks so happy! (and all these years I though it was valium...)
Good job it wasn't a Ewbank, can you imagine the damage the brushes would have done!
(incidentally I bet he didn't get a bad review from the Scotsman.)
to a glue that reaches full strength in 10 seconds? And if he's done this so many times before, then surely he knew how to apply it properly.. He just wanted a pretty Scottish nurse to fiddle with his privates! Hope he got an ogre instead.. or worse.. A male nurse!
Brings a new meaning to getting hard! Ouch! :-)
Jon the vacuum attachment was broken he tried to fix it there was still some wet glue there he normally wouldn't be using superglue at all you see because normally it's not broken. No super glue is not water soluble white glue is but thats a different product superglue is soluble in acetone and didn't you guys outlaw acetone (poor dwarf) if he had time he could wait till the skin cells sloughed off the glue was attached to but that might have taken a while.Why would you A. go see some fruitcake performance like that B. tell everyone who reads this tabloid that you go to performances like that and that this one sucked (shakes head). The merriment of some poor dwarf trying to make money in some fringe way getting his spout stuck in a prop is understandable only if you are slightly sadistic and dickless yourself.
My urologist's doctoral thesis from 1978 had the title "Penis injuries from masturbating with vacuum cleaners". It's archived here (in German, but the pictures are pretty scary):