back to article Apple 'retires' AppleWorks

Apple has finally put its venerable AppleWorks integrated productivity software application - a package it hasn't updated for more than three years - out to pasture. According to a MacWorld UK report, Apple's dealers were notified of the move last week, and with the arrival of a new version of the iWork suite with a …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    About time too

    Well damn, I'm amazed it was still available. Appleworks was way past its sell-by date 7 or 8 years ago. Nowadays it's just a dinosaur.

    You wanna bet there'll be an outcry from a bunch of old-school mac users?

  2. Chris Morrison

    Ahh the memories

    I remember using Claris works in school. There was always a fight over the coloured macs instead of the old black and white mac classics so that you could open the drawing program and draw a big circle and colour it a really funky orangey blue colour (the colour kinda moved form orange to blue the closer to the center you got). That was really cool when I was about 12!


  3. Ben


    Can't we drop the 'i' business stuff now? It's been done to death and is so tired. It was clever when it came out, but... iMean, that was ages ago. iKnow it's worked well as a marketing tool, but iThink it's way past it's best. Apple have always been good at cool marketing (even if it is preaching to the converted), iSuggest they put their thinking caps on and some up with something better, something that iLike.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Appleworks History

    Appleworks for the Apple II was originally launched in 1984 not 1991 as the article suggests. It was written by Robert Lissner and released in 1984 by Apple for the Apple II family of computers. Apple released version 2.0 in 1986, and then a year later the program was published by Apple's new software subsidiary Claris. Claris upgraded AppleWorks to version 3.0 in 1989, then turned its attention to producing Macintosh and Windows software, letting AppleWorks languish. Claris did, however, finally agree to license the AppleWorks trademark to Quality Computers, which released AppleWorks 4.0 in 1993 and AppleWorks 5.0 in 1994.


  5. Brennan Young

    More history than you could ever want to know about ClarisWorks

  6. A. Merkin

    RE: iTired

    They're establishing precedent so they can sue iNTEL. Once iNTEL is crushed, they'll buy the remaining IP and use the "inside" TradeMark to force us all out of our homes, vehicles and offices with an injunction order. Then world domination will be complete. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!

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