Extra countries
Extra countries? They exist they just require faith to truly see them!
Now to get me some choooons
Gold River Productions has launched a Christian Ringtones service, using the annoyance of a ringing phone to spread the word of God, in this world and beyond. Christian rock tunes, as well as hymns, are available, and a Noah's Ark section features a range of animal noises (including dinosaurs: who apparently were on the ark, …
And soon we'll hear recitations from the Torah or Koran (or however you want to spell it) or Buddhist chanting. And for the radicals, perhaps "White Power" or "Allah Akbar".
I'll settle for the Woody Woodpecker theme or that cute little ditty from Benny Hill. You know, the one where everybody runs around doing something silly, usually involving attractive women in knickers and suspenders.
Me and some of my family have had various Christian tunes as ringtones over the years. Much easier to do these days, since you can just bung an MP3 or similar on most modern phones using a data cable. But we did make some of the old style beepy ones back in the day.
I can't see them making a fortune off this given the smallish market, but I would think they aren't aiming to do that anyway.
"the Islam faith's higher-ups had stomped on an attempt at Koran-based ring tones as rather tacky and not with the spirit of the faith"
I think we have found some real common ground between most Muslims and Christians :-). It is rather tacky. Drawing attention to your faith with a poly ring tone isn’t exactly dignified is it?
Ouch, mobile ringtons + religion = the two biggest annoyances in the world in one small box!
Need some atheist comeback ringtones: "There is no God. You have a call. There is no God. You have a call."
Or for the more open-minded: "There may be something out there but I'm undecided. Ring. There may be something out there but I'm undecided. Ring."