so they still haven't learned
I believe it would upset me had I used this
in a game and people were advised to kill it
and yet it would probably be my fault for
using an activex control in the first place
they are all defective.
Microsoft's DirectX Media software development kit may be doing a lot more than helping designers give a realistic flesh tone to Lara Croft's breasts. It could also be introducing critical vulnerabilities into a countless number of applications that are spawned by the SDK. That's because the SDK, which streamlines much of the …
If I elect to install a widget that incorporates ActiveX => take me I'm yours!
If I avoid all ActiveX => I know I am much safer
<latin> caveat emptor </latin>
but ALL developers should be compelled - compelled I say! - to reveal the use of ActiveX in their offerings - it's only fair
Good friend, I am welcoming you to come to my website and exploring the newest in gameing inovation. I am providing a unversal translator software that will be making your gameing experience wonderful.
Thank you, Gen Obala Ngani, former deputy assistant minister of finance
I am also having $20,000,000 (twenty million dollars) to secretly export from my country.
Dear General Obala, that website waz KEWL! Had to reboot a couple of times afterwards tho, and internet still seems kinda slow...
Oh well. Please deposit the $20 Million US dollars in my personal account:
C. Lewis Esley
Social Security Number: 00i-812
Bank Account #: 00B4KRPT
10 W. Ned Street
Nocash NV, 23234