Irresponsible or something worse!!
A couple of harsh facts.
I can not help but wonder how the Conservatives believe that reversing the obligations upon both the public and private sector is going to save £billions. According to the Information Commissioner the state of Data Protection and compliance with legislation is "awful" within the UK. So if we have barely any respect for Data Protection how can we save anything?
Secondly, the conservatives should have had the sense to wait for Lord Broers report upon internet security, before passing judgement. Here he outlines that data protection and all round internet and information security in the UK is far from effective. The report confirms the relationship between future economic and social prosperity and security best practice. If people can not trust those responsible for gathering, storing, processing and accessing information in the future society and the economy will slow down.
Thirdly, as a mere citizen, the only source of recompense I have for mis-management of information relating to me is the DPA. Take it away and I am left to the whims of fate and those who would gladly prfit from my details/information but rather not take any effective management and technical measures to secure my identity from misuse/abuse.
Fourthly, businesses that complain about data protection should seriously ask themselves a personal question ... "How would they want information relating to them to be treated?"
Finally .. I agree that the DPA is valueless red tape. Its value is based not upon the justifiable reason for having it in the first place, but rather upon the effectiveness of the legislation and its enforcement. What is the value in red tape which is so easily and readily avoided by both the public and private sector?