Wind turbines
I live in Dundee. Here, there was a local *outcry* when a factory wanted (and obtained) planning permission for two "massive" wind turbines on it's site.
The site is located in the middle of a number of housing estates, offset by some parkland.
All of the normal concerns were raised - But the possibility of the area losing 1000 jobs was too much to allow even the most vocal complainants a chance of influencing the planning application.
So, now we have two majestic turbines. They're not unsightly - Almost everyone comments on their positive impact on the skyline.
Property prices?
No effect. Some people are turned off by the turbines, some are enthusiastic about them. You can sit and just watch them for hours.
No effect. The blades on these things are *large*. Which means they move slowly - Birds are actually quite good at avoiding flying into things, surprisingly.
Minimal. The generator housing is sound isolated and 400 feet away from the ground. The blade noise is less than the noise caused by wind resistance an electricity pylon causes.
And these are turbines that are _almost literally_ in people's back yards.
The NIMBY nature of environmentalists does really get my blood boiling.