Im no posh prat, but I cant help thinking if it had been the other way round (Chavs gunning down Toffs in Maxxed novas) noone would have batted an eyelid.
A group of toffs, apparently from Scotland's private Glenalmond College, have ruffled feathers with a wizard YouTube "chav-hunting" vid which showed them purging the British countryside of the Burberry-capped underclass with rod, hound, and gun. Still from "Class Wars" The offending flick - entitled Class Wars - featured the …
I would have been happy to invite the toffs to go hunting on my estatein North Woolwich.
It's amazing that you can get 3 fractured ribs, after a kicking outside of the cop shop and the best the met can off is, "It's you own fault for walking around east London with a Belfast accent"
Personally I find anything to do with the culling of coffs / neds / spides something that should be encouraged at every opportunity
As remarked if the boot was on the other foot no one would even care, it would simply be "expected" for chavs to stick this kind of stuff on Youtube. First happy slapping, then "toff hunting".
Can't we just laugh at anything anymore without it having to be analyzed to the Nth degree?
This is just funny.
It is a funny video like hundreds of others and takes the **** out of the ridiculous craze of happy slapping and such which we should rightly be outraged at.
Seems rather like the Chavs in this were "actors". The MP who's comments were quoted might be suprised to learn that one can see "movies" or even "television" in which "actors" pretend (or "act") to be "characters" in a "story". Sometime these even have "pretend" violence..... FFS!!
If it was real then fair enough, but otherwise it is a farily amusing piece of film and to suggest it should be banned in unjustifiable censorship of artistic expression. Does the same MP hold book burnings??
Chavs are one of these species that needs to be thinned out now and again, a cull, to keep the numbers down. Otherwise they breed so much that there aren't enough twizzlers and blue pop to go round and they starve, or they all start to come down with Burbaritosis. Poor mites.
Perhaps after their current "posh burger for people who aren't posh" campaign, Burger King can release their new "Chav Supper" of Happy Shopper turkey twizzlers and blue fizzypop, all wrapped up in Burberry paper? The catch line could be "For all the chavs and the chav-nots". I'm copyrighting that, by the way!
I imagine the better question the people who voted for MSP Roseanna Cunningham are asking is why they voted for someone who's too busy commenting on youtube videos to do anything to improve the state of the country.
But then they did voted SNP so the quality of candidates can't be a major factor in their choice.
Would have made a classic Disney remake. Chav called Stevo meets Hound called Chantelle Mercedes Lilly Dobbs. 3 weeks in, they're both down the DSS sorting out a house for soon to be, newborn, no hoper in life. He then scours through skips and meets chavette skip rat, to continue the never ending Circle of Rife.
This was one of the best videos posted on youtube for a while. Some people have no sense of humour. I can't wait for the video game release, chasing them down on horse back with a pack of hunting dogs and shot gun, sounds like a smash hit to me.
Anyway, what did they do that was wrong? What does it matter what school they go to? If it had been a state run school would it have been OK?
Surley at the spped at which they are breeding this would be a sustainable resource for the non-chavvy classes to kill. I'm sure running round in fields with weaponry is a much more economically/carbon foot print/good laugh friendly than many other sports? I mean to plane trips necessary, I can just pop down to my local McDanals/park/Spar and there they are!
Now how can the government arge with that!...oh they can...oh well getting my shotgun anyway....
[quote] "I suppose this video could be billed as the revenge of Monty Python's upper-class twits. Doubtless it is intended as humour and irony, but it comes across as brash, crass, and arrogant."[/quote]
Monty Python have previously done this sort of class humour from both sides for years, it was as funny and relevent when the first did it as it is now.
Obviously Ms Cunningham is not resident in the real world as Monty Python's Flying Circus has been voted the most infuential UK comedy series, (with only fools and horses coming a close second)
stop touting for votes from the chavs and get on with some real work.
silly person
Sorry about the title but instead of being a 'pack' of neds perhaps one of the following could be substituted as the collective noun:
A flock (as for sheep)
A crew (as for sailors)
A steal (as for magpies)
A knob (as for waterfoul) <- Wiki says 'Uncertain'
A sneak (as for weasels)
An ugly (as for walruses)
As English is a vibrant, living language we could all try and steer one (or another) of these terms into common use.... I doubt it though as:
DBAs will want an array (as for hedgehogs)
Script kiddies will want a kit (as for pigeons)
Windows admins will want a crash (as for rhinoceroses)
I'll get my coat...
I was expecting a lot more from it. I wanted at the very least shotguns blasting burberry left right and centre, how about a little ketchup here and there to make it look bloody and barbaric? Unlike happy slapping no one was actually injured in the filming of this which seems to point to the use of extreme violence on actual chavs in a remake in order to allow it to stay up.
I think its genius! If only they'd have been clever enough to host the video themselves and carry advertisements all over the page. Could have made a small fortune!
They have obviously put a lot of effort and thought into the 'production' - especially in the end scene with the multiple camera angles.
Perhaps Glenalmond will be proud of the director when his first blockbuster comes out???
This sort of stuff is completely excellent in my opinion :) Some people really need to get a sense of humor to be honest.
Anyway, I'm all for hunting chavs as long as my new idea for a reality TV show in which a random collection of Toffs are forced to live as coal-miners in mid-eighties Wales gets the go ahead.
There is no place for this kind of treatment in today's society. Humane chav traps are available at most good DIY stores. Simply bait them with kebab meat and a picture of an N-reg 1.1 Nova (hand painted in metallic purple with a bean tin exhaust works best) and the job is done. Once the trap is full, you can return them to their natural habitat; outside a fast food outlet in the town centre of your choice.
"It would be more acceptable to hunt down the over sensitive politically correct mob? That way they get put out of there misery of being offended by everything and we get back to a real way of life where people can actually have a laugh and joke."
Now that's the most intelligent and productive suggestion I've seen on the Reg this month. In fact, I'd like to put up my company shares to fund a bounty of $100 AUD for every PC ban-it-all twat's head brought into my office by right-thinking lads like yourself! :) (I'd make it more, but there are SO many of them, and my shares can only go so far to pay for enough of them to make a difference!)