The only secure thing about Norton... its ability to stop working because it thinks that you don't have a legit copy.
I had a couple of 3-user licenses for Norton Internet Security that I used to use on a few PCs at our small office. It was set up correctly, correct product keys, running Live Updates, etc. In the end, I removed it from all machines and replaced it with alternative products because each installed copy would regularly keep forcing me to run the product activation procedure again (in spite of being activated correctly in the first place).
As if that wasn't bad enough, it eventually reached the point where it would try to re-activate itself, only to come up with the message that all of my licenses were being used. Considering that I had 6 licenses to hand and the stuff was only installed on 5 PCs (and this was ultimately happening on most of the PCs as well), I got so sick and fed up of this bloated piece of badly written crap that I dropped it altogether and now wouldn't touch any of their shiteware with a barge pole.
And if anyone asks me for recommendations for an AV or Internet Security product, my usual first response is now "Steer clear of anything from Symantec/Norton - their software is badly-written, bloated crapola."