I'm always interested in discussions about schemes to reduce carbon in the atmosphere (because many of them have a strong whiff of 'this year's con').
Particularly, I like the arguments about "peak oil" (James). I attended a Greenpeace meeting (I'm not proud) in 1979. The only thing I remember about that meeting was the speaker's assertion that "oil production has peaked and we'll run out in ten years."
I also like suggestions that some fast-growing weed would solve problems - even weeds that are currently illegal to grow in the US (anonymous person). Every time I read something about this, the sums (to plant, grow, harvest and process the stuff) come out to be not a very good deal at all.
But, I have to admit, my favorite this time around is to pressure F1 racing into becoming the leading edge technology provider for alternative transport fuels (various). Aside from bowing a little to the pressure of the "shouty hippes", does anyone really think that the most commercial of commercial organizations (about the money, by the money, for the money) would do anything to jeopardize its profit margins?
By-the-by, normally, in this space, I'd have a minirant about people outlining the problem and not proposing a sensible solution but I have a disclosure to make: At the age I am and without any known progeny, I reckon there's enough air to last me through my declining years. After that, well, frankly Scarlet............