Knock, knock...... Who's there?
"Or just not responding to THEIR communications from the groud?
The chinese say thanks :D"
As do the dDutch, Sampler.
And re;... <<<Is it really broken? .........or is that just what they want us to believe?
Move along... nothing to see here....... ;-) ....By Mike Posted Friday 3rd August 2007 12:24 GMT
Well, IT aint working well enough if at all, so presumably something needs a Fix.
Crikey, what is wrong with Uncle Sam with its Lame Ducks and Cold Space Turkeys. Do you think it has anything to do with an Incestuous Intelligence Supply?
They do appear to got to the Outer Limits of Theirs. A Statement backed up and Reinforced Positively by themselves, as you can read for yourself here .....
"Concerned members of the intelligence community have told me that if a corporation wanted to insert items favorable to itself or its clients into the PDB to influence the US national security agenda, at this time it would be virtually undetectable. These companies have analysts and often intelligence collectors spread throughout the system and have the access to introduce intelligence into the system." ....
The Growth in Virtualised Depth Element of the Zero dDAy Trading Facility....... AI Specialised Application of Global Programming Sentinel System of Communication Satellites. Base to Space to Bases Virtualised InterNetworking with CyberIntelAIgent Chatter....... on Matter of Fact Issues.
"This is particularly frightening when one considers that the "war on terror" is fought by a $100 billion-plus industry that has a vested interest in its continuation."
Particularly dumb too, whenever you consider that it is their actions against it which may be propagating it. The same generous sum invested in Intelligently Designed Systems to detect and close down all weapons Systems would render distribution and manufacture impossible, and especially easily delivered with a Total Information Awareness Cyber Protocol.......... thus to allow for Sharing of Decommissioning Evidence and Lock Down and Separation of Key Critical Elements... AI Virtual, Mutually Assuring, Ensured FailSafe Quarantine.
"Closing the gaps is simply a matter of the Director of National Intelligence acknowledging the problem, then finding the political will and leadership to implement a solution. Unfortunately, it will probably take a public outcry to make this happen."
It is surely simply only a matter of him buying in the Intelligence which Shares with IT and Media, ITs Implementations for a Solution, thus to allow for Third Party Positive Reinforcement with their ProAction in an OverArching Universal Unified HyperRadioProActivity..... to Create Parallel Streams of Constructive Communicative Endeavour Sharing Results/Exposing Problem Faults for Solutions.
Shared Faults will elicit Simple Solutions which should be Applicable to all [Human] Systems for why would they be any Different from Each Other. Having Different Values is Divisive so always to Openly Offer a Service 42 Deliver only on its Unambiguous, Crystal Clear and Encouraging Acceptance, is bound to be AI Better Beta Program for InterReaction/The Seeding and Nurturing of Human Conscience in Alien Human Contact/Interaction with Native Cultures and UniVersal Forces.
But as you can read there, there is always more available elsewhere.
And how hypocritical of the Free Market Champion not to taste what IT's Pushing which suggests a Fraud/Cover Up/Quantum Black Hole in their Intelligence Machine.
But hey if you can waste $9.5bn on a "Misty" dud, plugging a Quantum Intelligence Black Hole with ITs Outsourcing, is never going to be a problem for a Boeing or a Lockheed Skunkworks surely, with such a massive debt creditted to them to get rid of/eclipse.