Say it with feeling
Is there one with "f*ck speed cameras"? I might be interested.
Residents of Oklahoma can exchange their dull old number plate for one which makes clear their support of Bush's "Global War on Terror". The personalised plate comes with a picture of the Twin Towers with an American eagle, sporting a 9-11 ribbon. Below your car registration number is the slogan "Global War on Terror" to make …
so that will be the Twin Towers in Oklahoma, then. Not the slightly more famous ones that were elsewhere.
Still, it manages to make more sense than the special "Killed In Action" plate. I never knew that zombie car drivers were such upstanding citizens that renewed their vehicle tax. On the other hand, even the Undead are actually at home. If you're able to order a "Missing In Action" plate, exactly how missing are you, really?
But, the tags are $37 plus the tax rate, which is expensive. $90for a car up to 4 years old, $80 for the next four years, $60 for the next four, $40 for four, then $20 for those over 17 years. See http://www.oksenate.gov/publications/legislative_briefs/Legis_Brief_2000/vehicle_tags.html
Oh I do love Poke Fun At The Yanks Fridays!
FYI, the funds raised by selling customised license plates are used to defray costs. Of course, giving people a choice of what they want to display on their license plates is so much more bizarre than taking their money, doling out the same-style license plate to everybody..............oh wait, maybe it's not.
Same thing with personalized plates in Virginia, including a 9-11 themed "Fight Terrorism" design and lots of college alumni designs (there's something vaguely odd about seeing a licence plate with "VIRGINIA" along the top edge, and "OHIO STATE" on the bottom).
VA DMV has more info <a href="https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/dmvnet/plate_purchase/intro.asp">here</a>. You can even suggest ideas for new plate designs. Somehow I don't think they'd want my "Impeach Bush" idea though. :-P
Remember kids, nothing says "redneck" like a beat up old pickup truck with a "Sons of Confederate Veterans" plate.
Tejas has a bunch of those type of tags, too. God Bless America, Animal Friendly, Texas A&M University, Horned Toad and Wild Flowers, amongst others. We also have Purple Heart and Medal of Honor tags, both free. Oh yeah, DUI tags. Which cost a ton of money and also have to be "earned".
I've seen World War II Veteran, Korean War Veteran, Viet Nam Veteran, Desert Storm Veteran, Iraq Veteran and Afghanistan Veteran.
Well, I've read of someone who has no use of his legs that was professionally racing for a while, so there is a lot of adaptability...
Trikes here in the US are classified as motorcycles. They obviously offer a much more stable and adaptable platform for people with disabilities.
Down with everything that is against our American Freedoms, and of course down with should start at Home!
But reallly what should have been done to the terrorist overseas,
the U. S. Air Force could have done with a 1ea. B-52 & a 20!!!
Bush wuld have had better luck in Iraq starting a state of Methodist-ism than democracy.
If people had had such plates in the 1970s, how long do you think it would be before the IRA started popping car bombs under the clearly identified vehicles.
The British military had to get rid of their distinctive "BZ" (British Forces Germany) number plates because they singled the driver out as a target.
Here in British Columbia you have the option of a regular issue plate, a Veterans plate - proof required, $5 extra fee, Vanity, er, Personalized plates -application fee of $100 and an annual fee of $40, and a few other types for collectors, vintage cars and dealers.
Best of all though are the 2010 Olympics(tm)* plates - initial fee of $35 and an annual renewal fee of $25 (until December 31, 2012) - to help offset the budget overrun. See icbc.com for more details.
*With the Olympic Mountain range across the water in Washington state the tradmark nazis have been jumping all over small companies using any variant of the Olympic name. Just practicing safe IP.
"Gosh, I wonder why the plate doesn't feature Oklahoma City's own terrorist bombing"
They have a separate plate for that, of course:
Oklahoma City Bombing Victims And Survivors
But it's nice to know that anyone can declare themselves a Gold Star Parent with http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/sp037.html.