@ the poster of Lesson 1 - How to save a dead horse
Isn't that only half of the problem. Amongst other problems, how about "the Long Goodbye", losing interactivity during routine file operations whilst the O/S tries to work out whether you have the legal right to delete your own files ? This windows release is I agree essentially a bells and whistles release, but actually manages to make a horlicks of the routine operations that earlier versions managed just fine. I occasionally look after friends PC's and am advising them to avoid VIsta on new purchases because they want to actually use them and not spend more than they need to on memory in order to do so.
In addition there's the problem of legacy app and hardware support. One of my buddies is a professional musician and has a pile of kit and software he needs to run, in order to earn his frequently slender crust. Vista aint going to cut the mustard. Whilst the new frontend might well impress the hell out of him, he's going to be decidedly unimpressed by piss poor performance whilst he's on stage, or incompatibility with, what for him are working tools.
Add in a distinctly lacksadaisical looking approach to support from MS and he's going to have a problem buying a new laptop. If we can't find a bundle with XP Pro for him, or find a suitable license, his upgrade is going to cost him a whole lot more than a budget lappie.
Sure the bells and whistles are nice, but raely has so much functionality been compromised in a new O/S release.
Vista is a retrograde step. Lipstick for pigs.