Does anyone else look at that picture and think 'nasty piece of junk'?
Sure the case is one of the least important features, but a well designed case gives some confidence that the rest of the system is equally well designed - or at least the components used are better than average quality.
The trouble with specs is they are meaningless until you witness performance. I've seen many cheap and nasty PCs with apparently high specs run as if someone has cut the processor in half, replaced the hard disk with something from the early 90s and slowed the memory down to SIMM speed.
The cost indicates good quality if it's comparable with US pricing - however the case shouts E-Machines, and that would put me off without even bothering to check the rest of its features.
Obviously I could be very wrong - it could be a superb machine, but until I see a real review - one with actual application performance as part of the evaluation, I wouldn't touch something like this with a bargepole.