All this quibbling over specifics
I admit this posting is applicable to this situation, though in honesty it has been inspired by all the dreadful news I've read so far this morning.
Don't you get it? In a police state, it doesn't matter if these were never in print, or that they're almost 30 years old. The artists don't matter; the music doesn't matter; the revenue doesn't matter.
The point is, in a police state, if they want you, there's got to be *something* you're doing. Find me a nice little old lady from Birmingham, and I'll show you why she's a threat to the Crown, Uncle Sam, NATO, and the established free world. Jaywalking. Smoking. Giving jars of preserves to her old-lady neighbors without the proper health information. Keeping her late husband's service revolver on the upper shelf of her closet.
How about a kid from my own state of Colorado? Driving too fast, not wearing a seatbelt. Smoking dope, jaywalking. Defacing currency, spitting on the sidewalk. Downloading mp3s, using his tivo to skip commercials.
Police state, edging on feudalism.
OJ Simpson? Paid his way out of it.
Enron? Still no meaningful conclusion.
Halliburton, KBR? Don't even get me started.
I'm American, so I can't cite as many good British examples. My point is, though, that worrying about the specifics of any one case is rather pointless, because at this point, we're all criminals in the eyes of our governments. What have we done? It doesn't matter; there's got to be something.
Don't worry about it too much, though. It's already happened. Go back to your iPods; there's nothing left to see here.