Get Bent El Reg!!!!!
I was truly horrified to read the above post, not because security failed on Facebook mind you but instead of the flippancy of the El Reg writer in suggesting that productivity will increase as a result. I can assure your sarcastic opinionated writers that no such increase in productivity will be forthcoming!
I am also offended that you could associate Facebook with reduced productivity. I can tell you with 100% certainty that i was unproductive long before Facebook turned up! Facebook merely allows me to see how (un)productive my friends are at a moment in time and therefore gauge my (un)productivity accordingly so to avoid pitching to high or too low of mean (un)productivity threshold average. Facebook, if looked at in this way, can therefore be said to be a means by which i can optimise my (un)productivity in a brave new Web 2.0 efficient manner! Previously i would have to direct substantial effort in gauging my (un)productivity which itself was an inefficient waste of time and probably contributed to greater (un)productivity in its own right. Facebook, ergo, allows me to more efficient and productive by virtue of simply making it easier for me to establish the correct level of (un)productivity required at any given time.
Of course if anyone wants a rise in productivity to say French levels then they can just dam well pay me more and work me less!
Don't think i don't realise that this is an attack on Apple either, your post was clearly directed at persons like me who use Apple's at work to access Facebook as opposed to the legions of PC users who lack the social skills or friends for such a platform as Facebook! I personally have 4 friends and 47 applications on Facebook, i doubt many PC users could claim that!
When are you just going to stop with the constant Apple bashing!?!
James Wray