So who is who?
Surely we should be told which El Reg hacks are playing which charactors... or is it up to us readers?
It's official: Muffy Mount is the ultimate nom de sex pour femme, while the splendid Hardy Woodman ran away with the pour homme title. To recap, we asked readers to submit a pornname based on the name of their first pet and the first street they lived on. Thousands of you answered the call, and we offered up 100 candidates for …
I didn't originally include my non nom de sex as it really didn't seem to go with the nom de sex. Consequently I ended up coming 10th on the "Pour femme" list (Fluffy Bristol - yes really!). A "respectable" showing I think (by Conservative byelection definitions obviously) of which I am extremely...um... undecided about. Given the lack of real names on the shortlist you have to wonder how many other potential register pornstars would give prospective punters a shock when they got the video back and fired it up.
(BTW if the Register's new money making scheme is looking for material then I'm open to negotiations over http://www.fantasticpoems.com/Poems/Father-XXXmas.html . Although clearly I'm now going to have to think long and hard over which role I should be playing!)