Devon knows... they make it so steamy!
Ok Ok I'll just go and get my coat
Three Devon councillors have quit the Liberal Democrats after discovering that a fellow party member is offering herself as a £75 a pop topless stripogram, the Telegraph reports. Jessica as seen online Myrna Bushell, 34, secured a seat on Bideford council in May, along with hubby Mel. Voters were probably unaware, however, …
[Not really local, but from within the same parliamentary constituency, so more-or-less local in political terms]
The libdems aren't taking us seriously. Our old libdem MP retired in 2005 and they gave us some candidate with no local credentials, so the (local) Tory won it.
The Mayor of Bideford (and thus presumably overlord of this unruly rabble) was our Green party candidate, and seemed quite impressive for a politician.
Frankly, this is quite tame compared to some examples from the recent California governor campaign, never mind Chicolina and the EU parlament, recent "example" marine veterans on US TV, etc. Do not see what the fuss is all about. After all they are supposed to be LIBERAL Democrats. Right?
So, let's see...
We normally get politicians who preach morality or family values or other wholesome virtues who then turn out to be having extra-marital affairs or mired in sleaze or to have smoked dope.
Here we have one who is up front (shut up!) about what she does and people criticise her for being honest?
What does that say about UK politics?!
They're certainly not liberal up there in Bideford, nor democratic by the sound of least the girl's earning an honest living, albeit a risque one, and no doubt entitled to vote, and therefore to stand (for election, that is!).
Send Jessica down to my end of the county, she'll get my vote: far better value than the living dead who tend to stand for election around here. I can probably persuade Nick Kew to vote for her as well (I see he's commented above), so that's two votes for starters!